How to Discover Your Interior Design Style (And Why You Should)


We’re influenced by style everywhere, but have you ever wondered which design style truly resonates with you?

Our homes are a reflection of…our dreams, desires, likes and dislikes, personal taste, family memories, our travels and life experiences. Our homes tell the story of who we are.

To create a home that is meaningful to you, it’s important to first identify your personal design style. Finding your style is not just about aesthetics. It’s about how you want to live in your home…and how you want to feel in your home.

There is no right or wrong answer when searching for your design style—just discovery.

Ready to uncover your unique design style? Follow these 4 simple steps…

Step 1: Find Visual Inspiration Without Overthinking

I often advise my clients to create a Pinterest board with images that they feel reflect their personal style. I suggest making boards by room: kitchen, bathroom, family room etc. to organize your ideas and make them easier to reference.

Start by searching common design styles: Modern, Traditional, Transitional, Scandinavian, Minimalist, Maximalist, Coastal etc. Don’t analyze too much or overthink your choices...if you are drawn to an image and feel compelled to save it, then you should! There could be just one specific detail you love about the image or maybe it’s the overall feeling you have about a space that inspires you.

When you’re choosing images, think about how you want your home to make you feel, as well as how you want others to feel in your home. What mood do you want each space to convey? Do you want your home to bring you energy, or a sense of calm and peace?


Step 2: Determine the Common Thread Between Each Image

When I work with clients, we will review your images together during our initial design consultation. We will discuss what you like about each image. Are you drawn to neutrals or more colorful palettes? Dark and moody spaces or light and airy room designs? Do you prefer clean and modern furniture or vintage pieces with history?

We also want to know what you don’t like in the spaces - are they too cluttered or too sparse? Do you have any design pet peeves, styles or colors we should avoid?

We then determine common threads between the images to help uncover your personal taste. We might even learn that you like several different styles. I know I do!


Step 3: Begin a Concept Board Based on Theme & Style

Next, you’ll want to narrow down the design elements you love and create a concept board for each space you want to redesign.

Creating a concept board (or a mood board) is a crucial step in our design development process. A concept board is intended to set the tone for the room we're designing. This is when we start to build the foundation for your interior finish palette and the design theme we will continue to develop going forward.

You can explore this on your own by using your favorite Pinterest images to create your mood board. The purpose of the board is to inspire ideas or evoke a feeling. It does not have to be a literal representation of your space. Try incorporating color palettes, objects or artwork, along with the room images that inspire you. Canva is a great tool to use for making your mood board. They have tons of user-friendly templates you can easily customize to make your own.

Before making any furniture or fixture selections for your home, you’ll want to have a clear vision of your design direction, and this exercise is the perfect way to do that.


Step 4: Look to Fashion to Dig Deeper into Your Design Style

Fashion is a great place to look when trying to discover your unique style. Consider what clothes you wear that make you feel most comfortable and confident…and most like yourself. What are your favorite items of clothing? Are there certain colors you tend to wear most often? Do you dress more casual or polished? Do you prefer to invest in timeless, quality pieces as staples in your wardrobe? Or do you enjoy following the latest fashion trends? What you wear and how you accessorize your wardrobe can guide you in choosing the right pieces for your home.

Notice the differences and similarities between how you dress and how you style your home. Our homes are not as flexible as fashion, so we often lean away from what’s trendy and focus on what will stand the test of time. We often dress according to our mood that day, whereas we design our homes to inspire a certain mood.

In order to feel a sense of peace and pride every moment you spend in your home; your home should be a reflection of you, and it should inspire you to live better.

Looking for more inspiration you can act on right away? Sign up for our monthly lookbook!

To Your Dreams,



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