Interior Designer FAQ’s: Wondering What Great Questions Our Clients Ask Us Most Often?

Edmonds WA interior-designer-FAQs-how do I know if I need an interior designer

Have you been wondering how exactly our company works and what we can do for you?

I'll be the first to admit, there is some mystery behind how interior designers’ work. Because our industry is so creative, each designer works a bit differently. We have different services, processes, and specialties. Even the way we charge for our time can vary greatly. If you've been looking to hire a designer, you might be feeling confused or overwhelmed for all of these reasons.

So today, we’re sharing all of the answers to our most commonly asked questions…

How do I know if I need an interior designer?

For some, the added cost of hiring a designer may seem unnecessary. But in reality, investing in expertise can actually save you money.

A designer will guide you through the design process, so decisions are made in a holistic and cohesive way. We will be able to anticipate which decisions need to be made (in which order) and what details need to be worked out ahead of time.

A professional designer will document the approved design on a set of drawings, so all involved are on the same page, helping to ensure your design is constructed as you envisioned, as well as helping you to avoid making costly mistakes. A ton of details get worked out ahead of time with a set of design drawings, and this step is invaluable to the success of your project!

(PRO TIP: the more details you have figured out up front, the smoother the construction process will be)

If any of the below describes you, then you should definitely consider hiring an interior designer:

  1. You want a cohesively curated design that is specific to your style and that of your home.

  2. You understand the value of investing in quality. Details matter!

  3. The DIY path is not for you. You want an expert’s advice, guidance and knowledge so you can be sure you’re making the right decisions.

  4. You want to avoid making costly mistakes and time wasted. You want to get it right the first time!

  5. You need a functional layout that will make the most of your space and add the highest value to your home.

  6. You want to get accurate bids from contractors, and you like knowing your investment amount up front.

For more on this topic, be sure to check our blog Why Hire an Interior Designer: 5 Practical Reasons.


How much do interior designers charge for their services?

There are many methods that interior designers use to calculate their fees. Charging per hour is the most common method. Hourly rates can range anywhere from $75 - $500 per hour, but on average you will pay $100-$200 per hour for design fees.

At Design to Elevate, we want to make our method of pricing as simple, fair and transparent as possible. I find that my client’s appreciate knowing their design fees up front, so we provide a flat rate for our design services - based on how many hours it will take to complete your project.

These flat rates are based on years of tracking hours to determine how long it takes to complete a typical type of project - kitchen, bathroom, living room etc. We use this information as the basis for our fees, and we share this information with our clients. Of course, every project is different, but at least this gives our clients a baseline for how much they can expect to spend on design fees.

Curious about what it might cost to hire us for your design project? Get our complimentary investment guide here.

How much does an interior designer charge for the initial consultation?

The consultation is a critical part every design project we work on. It is only then that we are able to get a complete understanding of the full scope of work for your unique project, your style preferences and level of involvement you will need from us. At Design to Elevate, we charge a flat $300 fee for the initial in-home consultation. After we meet for our initial consultation, you will be presented with a custom proposal for design services going forward.

Athena Calderone

What is your design aesthetic?

My design aesthetic is modern, yet timeless. I'm drawn to clean lines and natural materials. However, I appreciate good design of many different genres.

I design around my client’s needs and wants, not my own. The fun part of my job is to figure out my client’s unique design style. I have a deep passion for helping homeowners bring their vision to life, and for creating a cohesive design that reflects their personality. This often means blending different styles to achieve the look and feel they want.

I look at the style of the home as a whole, as well as my client's design preferences. I seek solutions that are timeless, keeping function and home value as a top priority. 

How do you capture my design style?

We start by creating a shared Pinterest board and will ask you to pin images of various room designs that you feel represent your style. During our initial consultation, we ask lots of questions about your design needs, hobbies, interests and style preferences. We review the images with you, we discuss what you like and don’t like about the spaces, we determine common threads found throughout the images and we begin to uncover your unique style. All the information we gather is used to develop your custom design concept.

To learn more about how we work with you to capture your design style, check out our blog “How to Discover Your Interior Design Style (And Why You Should)”.


How involved will I be in the design process?

Glad you asked, because one of the first questions I ask a potential client is: How involved do you WANT to be in the design process? I believe it is your choice how we work together.

I also believe that your feedback in an integral part of the design process. And I want to be as efficient as possible with our time together, so including your input early in the process means we can get much closer to your design goals, much more quickly.

After our initial consultation and site assessment, we will have a conceptual design meeting where we review preliminary designs together. I will then incorporate any feedback you may have as I continue to edit, revise and refine the design before our final design meeting.


What is full-service interior design?

At Design to Elevate, we offer flexible design services in order to assist clients on different levels. We break our design services into two distinct parts. The first part is the design phase or “Custom Design Plan”. The second part is the execution of your design plan or “Implementation”.

Because full-service design is a bigger investment, some of our clients choose to implement the project on their own. In this case, we provide you with your comprehensive “Custom Design Plan”, and hand off the project to you from that point on. You will then use the detailed drawings we provide to obtain contractor bids and work with your preferred contractor to execute the design plan.

Our full-service interior design includes both the design plan and execution of the design plan. With full-service interior design we are involved from beginning to end - from initial planning to the final punch list - to help achieve a successful outcome. For projects that involve furnishing, we will place and track all orders, coordinate and oversee furniture installation, as well as the styling of every last detail for a complete luxury room transformation.

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